Hope Africa University
In 2000 The Dream Was Launched
A university for students from Central African countries.​
An open door for bright students without financial backing.
An opportunity for youth otherwise blocked from further education by war, crime and famine.

The Dream is a Reality!
Hope Africa University is nationally accredited with more than 2,000 students from six central African countries.
One year’s tuition is only $1,250 for a Burundi student, $1,500 for an out-of-country student, and $3,000 for a medical student.
Most students are supported by scholarships.

In a struggling part of Africa,
Hope Africa University is thriving!
The Kline One Foundation has designated ongoing support for the HAU Dake Memorial Library, the academic heart of the University.

Example of Early Start
Vivian A. Dake was an amazing
missionary to Africa who died in the year 1892.
The Dake Memorial Library
honors his life by providing much needed textual and digital resources to the students of Hope Africa University. Gifts to this important part of the university can still be made.
Will You Please Help Supply…
Books for the University medical
and engineering programs.
Goal: $20,000
Broadband internet service
for academic resources.
Goal: $25,000

How To Help
When you click on the “Donate” button below, you will be taken to a
secure, third-party payment portal.
You will immediately receive an official email of donation verification
that will serve as your receipt for tax purposes.
...and Thank You!
It's amazing how far this charity can make a single dollar go.
Your gift is tax deductible and will be receipted by The Kline One Foundation, a federal tax deductible 501(c) (3) foundation.